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  1. Y

    Help identifying Hary Hall frame Ted Pritchard

    Viking?! Thank you for the Ted Pritchard info Rob. It's interesting stuff all this. The lady who sold me the frame doesn't know a great deal about it, but she thinks it was made by Harry Hall's. Unfortunately they got back to me to say they have no records since they moved premises. It's...
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    Help identifying Hary Hall frame Ted Pritchard

    I have attached the only photos I have just now, but they are not great. I will try and take some in better light next week. Ted Pritchard died tragically in 1968. Not sure if that has any bearing on dating the frame.
  3. Y

    Help identifying Hary Hall frame Ted Pritchard

    So do you think it is more likely a HH build, painted with TP? The frame number would suggest so? Or could TP have built it and Hall's stamped it. Hmm, wee phonecall is in order. I will remember and mention the lugs. Nervex.
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    Help identifying Hary Hall frame Ted Pritchard

    Hello forum, first time poster here, so please be gentle. I have just acquired a frame which I plan to restore, but am looking to date it first. Having emailed Harry Hall's son's shop and got no reply, I thought I would turn to the experts. It is painted as 'Ted Pritchard' but the frame number...
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    o'brien pics now added

    I have just bought one of these and am curious as to it's history. Did you ever find anything out? As far as I can see by trawling the web, there were two shop/dealers in Coventry called O'Brien, although they may be the same thing?!