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  1. jlyon426

    Retro Music Lovers (up to and including 31/12/1999)

    This is such a creepy song, it's so disturbing how he leaves it open ended whether the people in the song are right in their suspicions about their neighbour or whether it's just their paranoia, which leaves us listeners questioning the neighbours actions as well :eek::LOL:
  2. jlyon426

    Retro Music Lovers (up to and including 31/12/1999)

    This is an amazing music video! I actually had to look in the comments to be assured that it was fan made. To vinkwick, you sir, or madam, have made an astounding music video and I still can't believe it wasn't done by Thirwell himself!
  3. jlyon426

    Today's Ride

    Hello! got our ride near our country house in the woods