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  1. C

    94 Cinder Cone steerer length

    Yeah, definitely triple butted. What are you doing with the 96 frame?
  2. C

    WANTED: someone with a stuck seatpost.

    Aaaah! Just looked on your Facebook page. I see the principle - the hacksaw blade is held in a long rod with only enough of the blade sticking out to cut through the seatpost without damaging the seat tube. Great idea - but you're in Manchester and I'm in Edinburgh, so, given my lack of...
  3. C

    94 Cinder Cone steerer length

    And just measured headtube (in the dark) at 92mm.
  4. C

    94 Cinder Cone steerer length

    Doh! It's a 16" frame, and an XT threaded headset - not particulalrly tall.
  5. C

    WANTED: someone with a stuck seatpost.

    Aching arm and feeling I was getting nowhere. Too much seatpost still in frame. I've sawn out an old stuck seatpost in the past, but that one only went down about three inches. This one is probably a 350mm seatpost three-quarters of the way into the frame.
  6. C

    WANTED: someone with a stuck seatpost.

    Got one well and truly stuck here - or half a one, cut down to about an inch above top of seatpost. Already tried the hacksaw blade technique, but gave up and just about to try the caustic soda trick. Open to suggestions/pioneering solutions.
  7. C

    94 Cinder Cone steerer length

    Hi, this is my first post here, but can anybody help with the steerer length for a set of P2s on a 1994 Kona Cinder Cone? I bought the frame and forks off ebay about five years ago and swapped over the P2s for a set of Y2K Judy Races. Now I want to put the P2s back, but at 123mm the steerer...