Search results

  1. New York Albertan

    Gitane for free - worth restoring

    Everything's there but the seat. The guy who has it has restored before, but he's moving. Selling lots of stuff - not just bike stuff, but home items, tools, et al. It can't hurt to at least grab it for free and make a winter project out of it! Gets mighty cold up here, and the winters are...
  2. New York Albertan

    Riding with music

    I ride w/reality. No tunes. Just the road, the sights, the noise. Reality. So much is missed when we plug our ears. And I love music.
  3. New York Albertan

    What you can do w/a $5.00 film camera

    I picked up a similar camera for free online - a Konica Z-up140 Super. See my signature! Enjoy!!
  4. New York Albertan

    New Old Bike Day - 1993 Rockhopper

    Just took the Rockhopper out for a rip on pavement and a little short track by the house. Forgot about those rigid forks on those bumps! What fun. It's shifts so smooth and effortless. I don't think this bike saw a lot of kilometres - and certainly no hard off-road action - ever. No rust...
  5. New York Albertan

    So many bike sites seem to loathe "retro". Why?

    My Saskatchewan wife married a New Yorker. What can she expect?! I just took the '93 Rockhopper I got online here for CD$80.00 out for a little road rip, and a little single track in the river valley in our neighbourhood. What a fun time! Gears shifting like butter. Felt like one of my...
  6. New York Albertan

    New Old Bike Day - 1993 Rockhopper

    I'm 5'9". Been riding a 20" for years. But we have another Norco here, 18". I am growing of that frame size...
  7. New York Albertan

    New Old Bike Day - 1993 Rockhopper

    Just wish it was an 18". I am looking at an 18.5" Friday. It's as clean as this, but more expensive, though new tires/everything original/clean. If I get that one, this one goes to my son, whose a smidge taller than me. Then I'll see what I can get for the old Norco to recoup some cost!
  8. New York Albertan

    New Old Bike Day - 1993 Rockhopper

    The only cons: pedals are new plastic, and it's a 20" (I wanted 18-18.5"). But it's sooooo clean! Front tires is original. Back has tread, but is crap. Brakes and gears are fine. CD$80.00
  9. New York Albertan

    Gitane for free - worth restoring

    See photos. Is this one too far gone?
  10. New York Albertan

    Old 70s/80's Peugeot Single Speed - Front Brake Only?

    What do you think about the two Rockhopper's I've mentioned?
  11. New York Albertan

    So many bike sites seem to loathe "retro". Why?

    Yes, indeed. This articulates my feelings, as well. My kids somehow got turned onto vinyl - they each got a turntable for their room that were being used on the in-laws farm in seriously-rural Saskatchewan. Now, they're spinning vinyl - and loving it! Their friends think they are so hip...
  12. New York Albertan

    Old 70s/80's Peugeot Single Speed - Front Brake Only?

    Yes, but many are priced too high, in my opinion. The old Norco's seem to be the cheapest. Then you have off-beat brands like tech (CycleTech), BRC... They can be had cheap. But Brodie's, Rocky Mountain's, Kona's... Not so cheap. Looking at the '93 Rockhopper w/the gear thumb-shift issue...
  13. New York Albertan

    So many bike sites seem to loathe "retro". Why?

    See subject. I'm new to the site, but I was just reading an old thread here on the "state" of retro biking. It should be a continuous thread. To me, the older bikes I'm personally looking at simply make more fiscal sense, and will be fun to ride. I think of the true "klunkers" we built using...
  14. New York Albertan

    Old 70s/80's Peugeot Single Speed - Front Brake Only?

    The cheaper Rockhopper's issue is the gear selection on the thumb doesn’t seem to stay in. The owner hasn't had a chance to take it apart, might be something simple he says. When I pressed him about any other issues, he said the bike's fine, then said it has other problems, but he wasn't...
  15. New York Albertan

    Old 70s/80's Peugeot Single Speed - Front Brake Only?

    I'm trying - one the guy is out of town (that's the w/the gear issues, $80.00, the other is $150.00, pictured below; original manual, new tires, says the handle-bars are that way because that's how he stores it.
  16. New York Albertan

    Old 70s/80's Peugeot Single Speed - Front Brake Only?

    Thanks. Something didn't feel right about the info he gave me.
  17. New York Albertan

    Retro Bike Shopping

    I like the idea of going back in time! Riding something that others - and the culture - have passed by, interests me. It's why I like older acoustic guitars for the same reason. And old cars - though, after four kids, that "buzz" had to be put on hold! Heck, I even like older sweaters...