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  1. D

    Thank god the hot weather is going

    Just got from a baking day out at the FoD. I've never seen it so busy, drove into the overflow carpark and managed to find a spot 50 meters from my house! :shock: The short sojourn to the pub on the way home was most welcome. 8)
  2. D

    Thank god the hot weather is going

    I'm loving this hot weather, I've been out every night after work and I just about to head off to the Forest of Dean. Plus it's acclimatising me to my impending two week jolly to Egypt. 8)
  3. D

    Club Roost overhaul

    Test fitted the shock this morning. Looks goods, just need to remove the pivot plates and re-drill to 8mm.
  4. D

    frame from Quinton - collection help

    Sorry, wrong Quinton. :cry:
  5. D

    frame from Quinton - collection help

    Which Quinton? Postcode would be good. We have a van going to Leeds tomorrow.
  6. D

    What is the one thing....

    This. :oops:
  7. D

    Servicing Pace RC36 Forks

    TBH, I'm not even sure they are 36's. :? They are coil sprung with a oil cartridge. Some pics;
  8. D

    Servicing Pace RC36 Forks

    Anyone got a service manual or exploded diagram? I looked on the Pace site but they weren't immediately obvious...
  9. D

    Club Roost overhaul

    This may have confused me a little... :wink: Your measurements are significantly different to mine. Also, there are no sleves or o-rings on my "hardware", top and bottom are the same shape and look like this;
  10. D

    Club Roost overhaul

    OK, what size is your "hardware". Fnar! :shock:
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    Club Roost overhaul

    So what do you call "them"? :wink:
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    Club Roost overhaul

    I'm an engineer by trade (geek with machine tools :lol: ). Hardware (to me) is nuts, bolts, washers, shims. Bushes are the parts that go between hardware and (in this instance) frame and shock and are usually of a softer material, in this case aluminium. I can take pics of the bits I'd like...
  13. D

    Club Roost overhaul

    Shims/washers will be clamped in position = no wear. The existing bushes have no evidence of wear on the mating faces, that means the bush does not move. Do you have the original bushes?
  14. D

    Club Roost overhaul

    I've just stripped the shock out of the frame. Top bush as supplied is 22mm, frame is 22.3mm. Bottom bush is 46.9mm, pivot plates are 47mm For simplicity I'd use the off the shelf parts and shim to suit
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    Club Roost overhaul

    That's why engineers invented shims. :wink: Did you measure the existing bushes or the frame?
  16. D

    Club Roost overhaul

    Top Bush; ... delID=7466 Bottom Bush; TBA
  17. D

    Club Roost overhaul

    I bought some batteries for the verniers today, so as soon as I have the shock (and my new coat...) I can get measuring. cyfa> I'd still like your measurements for comparison.
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    Club Roost overhaul

    I have two digital verniers and micrometers, what I don't have is any batteries... :oops:
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    Club Roost overhaul

    If you already have the measurements for the bushes, post them here and I'll get on the case.
  20. D

    Club Roost VCV

    I used and abused Hi-5's for years without problems and I'm a big lad! Sure, they were never any more than adequate, but served their needs well enough. Technique probably plays a part in fork life, I've seen snapped forks from pretty much every manufacturer and it was usually pilot error as the...