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  1. H

    Any Claud Butler Experts ?

    The catalogues at are invaluable for this. I think the combination of fluted seat stays and lugless brazing make it the Super Velo though I might be wrong. The transfers look very proper but the paint is too good to be 1952. You can check the forks match the frame by...
  2. H

    WTD: Cyclo Benelux control damper

    If anyone has a Cyclo control damper or perhaps the whole left hand lever assembly in their box of bits, could I please have it for my 1951 Claud? The component is about the size and shape of a two pence coin. If I can't find the proper component, I will have no alternative but to drill through...
  3. H

    Armstrong 1953 Restored FIRST RIDE Page 7

    Re: Armstrong 1953 Restored FIRST RIDE Page 5 Congratulations on a glorious piece of work. Great photos too! Don't throw away that Benelux gear - they do work you know.
  4. H

    Can anyone ID my old Dawes racer please?

    Dawes Impulse. Late 80's, top of the range IIRC.
  5. H

    Wheel Rim Telescopic Jack

    I would like a tool for pushing out the flat spots of a rim. This is the sort of thing here: ... 173374.jpg The rear wheel of my Claud is doing my rump in but I don't want to discard it's period 'Racelite' rim. If you have got a tool like this in the...
  6. H

    Armstrong 1953 Restored FIRST RIDE Page 7

    Re: Armstrong 1953? Restoration Help/Advice/Abuse Please Re colours, there are some things a pedaller must decide for himself! I think if it were me I would have red Tressorex cloth bar tape and the white ribbed cables that Terry's of Redditch used to make. And champagne corks in the bar...
  7. H

    Armstrong 1953 Restored FIRST RIDE Page 7

    Re: Armstrong 1953? Restoration Help/Advice/Abuse Please That is an oiler on the BB tube, not a grease nipple. If there is no play in the axle, I would start by bunging some light oil in, not sure what sort is preferred, maybe 3-in-1? You might find the bearings smooth out without disassembly...
  8. H

    Armstrong 1953 Restored FIRST RIDE Page 7

    Re: Armstrong 1953? Restoration Help/Advice/Abuse Please It depends how you feel about the Campagnolo Gran Sport. It was the first parallelogram derailleur and is of the period. Otherwise the Benelux is the obvious choice, especially as it is already on the bike. Birmingham frame, Birmingham...
  9. H

    Armstrong 1953 Restored FIRST RIDE Page 7

    Re: Armstrong 1953? Restoration Help/Advice/Abuse Please The Armstrong looks pretty glorious, congratulations. A 50s machine clothed in parts it received early in it's life is a happy find. It seems to have horizontal dropouts for derailleur gears but no cable guides or other braisings for...
  10. H

    Armstrong 1953 Restored FIRST RIDE Page 7

    Re: Unseen Armstrong I have done some googling in search of industrial history. ... -roadster/ It seems to have been a private company which had become part of TI by the 60s. No relation to...
  11. H

    Unofficial retrobike allotment thread....

    Mayflies by Richard Wilbur It was no muddled swarm I witnessed, for In entrechats each fluttering insect there Rose two steep yards in air, Then slowly floated down to climb once more, So that they all composed a manifold And figured scene, And seemed the weavers of some cloth of gold, Or the...
  12. H

    RetroRoadRide Series - Rd 3: Warwickshire ~ AFTERMATH

    Thanks Karl et al for Saturday's splendid entertainments and company. I see the Lucozade takes years off a chap. "Almost 40"! I shan't contradict you. However it's strictly fermented barley energy drinks from now on. Safety first. Two days later I have regained the ability to stand and speak...