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  1. F

    Kona Explosif back from the painters! 24/03/11

    I have a 1992 Explosif, I have owned it from new LOL I was 15 back then and I worked bloody hard to buy it. I was riding it to work every day untill 2008 when I brought a brand new trek 8500. The Trek is awsome and now the Kona feels too small length ways also the front feels low. I am not...
  2. F

    Kona Exsplosif rear seatpost canti hanger

    Hi guys havent looked at this thread for a bit I was in Wales racing my Enduro bike ! Have you had any luck finding your canti thingys Mr Jones ? Thanks for your help too development_cycle Um I would not know where to start to make an offer for these parts. Up till two weeks ago...
  3. F

    Kona Exsplosif rear seatpost canti hanger

    Re canti hanger paste this link in fron Ebay there is a good picture of the type of hanger I need: ... :IT&ih=003 there is only one lug at the front of the frame for the outer cable of the brake to catch on then the inner cable runs bare all the...
  4. F

    Kona Exsplosif rear seatpost canti hanger

    Anybody know where I can get a rear canti hanger that will work with my 1992 Kona Exsplosif. Iv had the bike from new its been through alsorts of state's through its life a bit like triggers brush I have most of the parts to put it back to standard but not the canti hanger that goes round the...