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  1. Pintglass

    And today I did......

    I haven't even got a clue what it's worth. It's a shame to have it sitting around and not being used.
  2. Pintglass

    And today I did......

    Sorry about the angle, call it artistic license lol May sell it soon though :(
  3. Pintglass

    And today I did......

    Started cleaning the Pace today...
  4. Pintglass

    The one and only "HOW MUCH IS MY xyz WORTH" thread

    Hi, Here is a picture of my Pace RC500 DH before I clean it up and put it up for sale. Anyone ant idea how much these are worth as I have not seen many of them for sale?
  5. Pintglass

    Pace RC500 Retro DH First build pics (picture intensive!!)

    That is a jolly nice looking bike. I have one of these myself sitting in the garage, built it up in about 2003 and had no problem with the brakes. I fitted Hope M4s think they are 203mm up front and 185mm on the rear. As far as sorting the chainring out, I used a Middleburn RS DH crank with a...