Search results

  1. ringlatron

    daily retro

    here's my dilemma. just picked up the most incredible kona explosif pro on the 'bay. the condition is just ridiculously good. by rights should be hung on a wall its that pretty, but i cant help thinking how much fun my daily commute would be on it. chances are it would get a battering but i'd be...
  2. ringlatron


    roon dont do it! i had to ride one of those and they were awful... fugeddabowdit
  3. ringlatron

    Fr**ging MFI

    ikea is amazing for the price, we've used both ikea and mfi and looked at moben too. get ikea cabinets and spend more on the worktops. thats what beeny would do!
  4. ringlatron

    kona explosif pro

    ey up! yep i got it! cant wait to get it here and go for a blast...
  5. ringlatron

    Bidding wars...

    im on the explosif ;-)
  6. ringlatron

    VW W12 650

    sticklegs you have immaculate taste. that would be my dream ride. have to make do with the A4 avant diesel and pretend for now ;-)
  7. ringlatron

    kona explosif pro

    haha nice one roon, damn i got some flak for that single white porc faux pas... the front punctured earlier in the shoot so had to go with the black/white combo!
  8. ringlatron

    kona explosif pro

    it does look incredible! i had that very same model and would love to grab it...
  9. ringlatron

    kona explosif pro

    whats the etiquette with this stuff? can i shotgun this? i want this BAD!
  10. ringlatron

    slick new eBay widget

    <object width="355" height="300"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="base=" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"...
  11. ringlatron

    1991 Cannondale SM1000

    holy crap matt, thats a blast from the past. i remember your hair like that too! is that "soul glow" in there?
  12. ringlatron

    Fat Yo Eddy

    yeah pm pm pm...
  13. ringlatron

    Fat Yo Eddy

    roon what were you thinkin buddy! been in the counting house for tee many martoonies? ;-)
  14. ringlatron

    Fat Yo Eddy

    hey roon! man you been busy! have you been down to phoenix for some "help" yet ;-) you have put me in the awkward position of having to steal your fat chance, i may have to injure you in the process - just so you know. working on my secret squirrel build now, chip chip
  15. ringlatron

    retro bragging rights...

    did anyone else bump into john squire - him off stone roses fame at cheddar about 9 years ago? made my mrs go all funny! i made out that it was common event to have celebs mingling with us bike nerds. mike edwards from jesus jones was always about too... word has it that keith flint from...
  16. ringlatron

    Really weak bike related claims to fame

    erm... working on bike mags has helped a bit but these are my faves 1) rode and hung out with tomac 2) stayed at hans reys place and rode laguna with him 3) rode and hung out with shaun palmer 4) drove eric carters truck up and down a mountain shuttling him and peaty 5) got full factory...
  17. ringlatron

    retro bragging rights...

    never knew him to speak to, only crossed paths on a coupla occasions... i feel an mbuk article coming on ;-)
  18. ringlatron

    ebay translation

    s'ok took ten minutes in me coffee break, will make one with a search built in as well that also handles the RB affiliate scheme when i get another spare 15 mins...
  19. ringlatron

    retro bragging rights...

    holy (white) smoke batman! mark batt! was only thinking this morning what we need is a return of the offroad/proflex hopometer at events! what was his record? 40 inches? i competed against him and hemming and avery at quite a few events - best i could manage was 38" bah! still i won a...
  20. ringlatron

    retro bragging rights...

    those welsh lumps are good fun, but its a different kind of riding to the downs stuff. both are fun in different ways...