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  1. macca85

    peugeot perthus pro

    for anyone that cares, the bikes all built up, and running sweet so i thought id take some pictures for you all to have a gander at. please bear in mind its not mint, its been sat in a garage for 15 years and never used. i intend to use it as much as possible over the summer, and when winter...
  2. macca85

    peugeot perthus pro

    yeah its not in too bad condition, maybe once ive riden it for a bit i'll look at getting it repsrayed and chromed just to make it look spot on. as for seat, thats just where its been set since ive had it, its not had any wheels on it yet so not sure how it'll all fit once im on it etc, though...
  3. macca85

    peugeot perthus pro

    hi everyone thought i'd put up a thread of my vintage peugeot perthus pro. a bit of history about the bike, it was bought by the first owner in the mid 80's down in exeter, at some point he had dismantled it and sold it on to the 2nd owner who never got round to building it up, so sold it on...