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  1. scoopz

    1996 GT Zaskar, where to start?

    4:10am, hands thoroughly blackened and I've run out of Autosol, first stop Halfords in the morning. Frame looks bling though.
  2. scoopz

    1996 GT Zaskar, where to start?

    4:10am, hands thoroughly blackened and I've run out of Autosol, first stop Halfords in the morning. Frame looks bling though.
  3. scoopz

    1996 GT Zaskar, where to start?

    Some more mid polish (Autosol only) photos, camera on tripod and same lighting/flash settings for continuity Before During After 1 polish Before After (not as noticeable on bushed finish) Before During After Progress: Fairly obvious to see...
  4. scoopz

    1996 GT Zaskar, where to start?

    But of course, what else is there to do at 1:45am on a Friday night (Saturday morning). I've stopped now [photos in a few mins], it'll take a few hours to do a thorough job on the entire frame. Done. I've never polished it since I bought it, removing 16 years of grime is satisfying...
  5. scoopz

    1996 GT Zaskar, where to start?

    <fingers in ears> Not listening! Not listening!</fingers in ears> One little rub before bed can't hurt surely :roll: If ever there was a great advert for autosol:
  6. scoopz

    1996 GT Zaskar, where to start?

    I've just nipped into the garage to try the autosol on a small patch, I couldn't wait, but it's -3°C outside so I gave up quickly but it looked good! Tempted to bring it in the house but down want to get onto that slippery slope on day 1. I've stumbled across the site a few times over the last...
  7. scoopz

    1996 GT Zaskar, where to start?

    I think I'll try the Onza ones for now. They were the last ones I used on the bike, I haven't got a clue if they are any good or not though. Prompted by your question (and as a bonus to me) I've just found my old shoes, SIDI Dominator II's I think and as a double bonus, they still fit and the...
  8. scoopz

    1996 GT Zaskar, where to start?

    Thanks petitpal for the detailed info. I've got some autosol already (for the car exhausts) so I'll just start with that and lots of elbow grease. I don't recall the frame ever taking a beating, any marks on it are probably from it moving from shed to garage to shed to loft in a box with all the...
  9. scoopz

    1996 GT Zaskar, where to start?

    After an initial cleaning to get rid of the heavy polishing metalwork was next on my list, just trawling the forum now to find best combination. Just Autosol or combination Autosol/wire wool/brasso wadding? Decals from Gil...<quick search> found him, thanks Gil_M I've bookmarked to contact...
  10. scoopz

    1996 GT Zaskar, where to start?

    ha ha not just yet, are they hard to find now? I never got on with grip shift back in the day, mis-shifting all the time and was tempted to look for some more standard XT shifters but may try them out first and see how I get on with them now.
  11. scoopz

    1996 GT Zaskar, where to start?

    Full gallery of images HERE
  12. scoopz

    1996 GT Zaskar, where to start?

    Hi all, new member here :-) I bought my GT Zaskar in 1996 and used it for a few years (mainly to cycle to school and back) but then university and cars took over my life and it got forgotten about and neglected. I've just recovered it from my parent's loft and thought I'd take a fresh...