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    What a cool idea:

    :shock: :shock: pleaseeee, let me know if you ever do find if anyone does still produce them. having a camel back, i dont even need to cary water bottles.
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    Retro madness on ebay

    sexy @$$ forks...without a dout.
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    Anyone experiencing these probs too???

    that usually results in needing to install new divX verisions or other programs. on mozilla it will pop up at the top of the screen too.
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    97' Pace RC200

    im going to take this comment^^^ annd this comment^^^, and guess that the pace frames didnt hold up too well...
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    platform pedals

    yeah, and if ya didnt know, my dad designed those strictly as a BMX pedal.
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    platform pedals

    I jsut realized all the prices i where looking at where euros.. oops. its not that much more - 60 doesnt seem unreal, but i'd probly just go with the v8's anyways.
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    platform pedals

    hah, funny you mention that. Those pedals new, go for around $800. Thats why i plan on selling all 15-20 pairs i have in my basement. ...i think im going to end up going with the DMR V12 pedals. They look sick, plus I think they would do a great job for what they are.
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    that is a very origonal style bike you have go there. i like the color scheme
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    platform pedals

    where would i find these DMR V8 or V12 pedals?
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    Cannondale resto

    shweet lookin ride. i like the way the frame is configured.
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    The fleet: Yo Eddy/betty Slim and 2 Richard Sachs

    i see, i really like to looks of it tho. you dont see many bikes like that.
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    platform pedals

    Thanks for the suggestions guys... a few questions though... how do welgo's pedals hold up? They are relativly cheap, and seem to have large platfors as well as what looks to be like awesome grip. thanksss.....
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    The fleet: Yo Eddy/betty Slim and 2 Richard Sachs

    that first fat is very very very sick looking. why, might i ask, does the tt have such a low stand-over height? what was their reason in doing so, plus it seems like you'd need a really long seatpost to even make that work.
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    Anyone experiencing these probs too???

    ehh, do you have the browser settings set so it resets all the cache and cookies once you close down the browser?
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    platform pedals

    I am trying to peice together a list of the parts i need to get money for, and pedals are somthing that is really bogging me down. I dont want to go clipless just yet, so my question is what are some platform pedals that have good grip, are incredibly durable, and plus they need to look...
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    Whats hidden in the depths of your garage?

    i dont even want to know what i'd find in my basement... :roll:
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    which should i buy xb360 or nintendo wii

    depends... the wii looks pretty dumb in my humble opinion, i jsut dont thihnk i would like how it is played. a remote?! thanks!! i would still either get a nice PC, or wait for the ps3, but hey thats just me.
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    Calling all retro-minimalists!

    I'm lovin the bars.. was that supposed to be a 'track' setup??
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    Xizang project

    that bike is sickkk.... looks awesome ive always loved the look of polished up frames
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    Get a Grip!

    foam grips are really comfortable, but they seem to fall apart easily, at least they have for me.