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  1. S

    Public sector strikes on Wednesday

    I was pretty stunned when I was told as well. I'm taking it at face value, was just assuming that as it was a group of people telling me the same thing they were correct. I'll try and find out if it is indeed true. EDIT: Hmm.. does appear that you may be correct...
  2. S

    Public sector strikes on Wednesday

    apache>> I was saying you didn't experience a 'good' pension in the PRIVATE sector.. not the other way around! I fully appreciate you were MoD before hand, and I think we all except that the MoD is even one step beyond the civil service anyway! ;-) On the military theme.. I remember driving...
  3. S

    DAMN!! looks like i get wet going to work then....

    Cycle in the morning involved trying not to get blown across the road. Cycle home was cold but non-windy. Must adjust my brakes though as they keep binding :-(
  4. S

    Public sector strikes on Wednesday

    BTW.. did you know that if you use private healthcare you can't use the NHS? I didn't know that till recently.
  5. S

    Cycling pet hates

    Cycling and texting ? Classically stupid! That's her becoming a "tyre warmer" very quickly.
  6. S

    Public sector strikes on Wednesday

    Sure you can.. just ask for some unpaid leave :lol:
  7. S

    Public sector strikes on Wednesday

    To be fair rumble, you seem to be flinging a lot of insults/put downs in this thread. Prob best you stop that :-)
  8. S

    Cycling pet hates

    Other cyclists who skip lights and act like tits making us all look bad.
  9. S

    Headline of the year??

    I think a better headline of the year is here: ... 37901.html What a total tool.
  10. S

    Caption Comp Time

    "Old berts deer hunt wasn't going to well"
  11. S

    Public sector strikes on Wednesday

    I think the majority are on board with you on a 'right minded' party. No party is gonna come out good from the crap the economy is in now.
  12. S

    Public sector strikes on Wednesday

    So if the average worker pays bugger all as you put it, why bother cutting pensions? EDIT: And yes... it's very true, and account WOULD cost more lol. My magazine subscriptions wouldn't be that much if I had some lol. EDIT 2: ROFL.. link removed.. totaly sh*te asking you to pay for a...
  13. S

    Public sector strikes on Wednesday

    Interesting point about the PM.. but totally off topic :-) Tax avoidance is why accountants get paid so much lol. It's also why the headline 40% tax figure isn't really 40% at all. I'm not whinging about it incidently, it's just a shame that the 'average' worker person is not able to do the...
  14. S

    DAMN!! looks like i get wet going to work then....

    Waterproof = something that causes you to sweat* * : If you can't afford to remortgage and get decent waterproof.
  15. S

    Public sector strikes on Wednesday

    I just lol'd at some of the comments in the article on Osborne's report today on the BBC. One guy was literally saying the 'private sector' pays for the 'public sector' pensions, and why should he have to pay for 'them'. That's a key point really because he is missing the whole distributed...
  16. S

    Public sector strikes on Wednesday

    Tax the rich? A union point was that you could do just that as there is hell of a lot of unclaimed tax at present (I forget the figure), a little money spent to chase that up would bring a lot. The problem with doing this is that any political party doing such a thing will quickly lose...
  17. S

    Public sector strikes on Wednesday

    lol, perhaps you should not have those services that you think you shouldn't have to pay for then eh? i.e. I don't want the troops to be in the war.. so can I have some money back please? I don't use a car, can I have some money back please? I don't use public services, can I have some...
  18. S

    Public sector strikes on Wednesday

    Hyperbole? I was giving an actual example. I never said the NHS was free, we all pay contributions and tax that fund it. The point is if I were to get kidney stones, I wouldn't have to pay the amount of money personally. I highly doubt that it would cost that much either, that just what...
  19. S

    Public sector strikes on Wednesday

    Water tight procurement. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don't forget once again that private business is there FOR THE MONEY. Just look at America and the complete disgrace that there system is in, where sometimes they'll literally put you back out on the street if you can't afford it...
  20. S

    Public sector strikes on Wednesday

    ^^^ Anyone can take a picture of a particular moment and make it say whatever they want. However, elected officials will not lose their jobs... they don't have to worry. Did anyone see that thing on T.V. a few weeks ago, where by they are doign something called 're-balancing' or some other...