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  1. D

    Dawes Tartan Tourist / Clubman

    By virtue of the stars I've spotted on the top tube, I'm guessing it's a Dawes Tartan 5 Star. According to the catalogue, if it's the model I think it is, brand new it would have cost £26 19s 6d... I wonder what the thing on the side of the seat tube is? Am picking it up tomorrow. Quite...
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    Dawes Tartan Tourist / Clubman

    That's wonderful, thank you!
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    Dawes Tartan Tourist / Clubman

    I've succumbed to buying something interesting-looking on eBay on spec again... a bit of googling suggest it's either a Dawes Tartan Tourist or a Dawes Tartan Clubman, but then for all I know they may be the same thing. It's certainly made from Reynolds 531, thanks to Google images I'm pretty...
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    Raleigh Clubman Mixte - selling advice.

    Go for it! And if modifying a bike in original condition is an issue, I have an ordinary '83 Raleigh Clubman which has gold mudguards on it, the same ones that were on a Carlton Corsair that I briefly owned last year - so either the mudguards on my bike are non-standard, or the ones on yours are...
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    Numpty question about Campagnolo shifters

    Thanks for all the advice, everyone. I think Hamster's suggestion sounds the simplest, given my limited technical capabilities, the gear that I've bought so far, and the fact that I've got the spokes and Exal rims to build the wheels with the Shimano 600 hubs on order and in transit already...
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    Numpty question about Campagnolo shifters

    I was wondering if something like this might work: http://vintagecampagnoloforum.blogspot. ... e.html?m=1 However if my Campagnolo 9-speed levers and long cage derailleur are from different and incompatible eras, and those Shimano 600 hubs will only take a 7-speed cassette in the first place...
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    Numpty question about Campagnolo shifters

    Thank you - and I'm glad it's not just me! The Shimergo pages are helpful although complex and I think I've kind of got my head around them - although if I've got it right it seems to focus around using Campy levers and Shimano dérailleurs whereas I was after using Campagnolo levers and...
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    Campag triple front mech, English headset & 27.0 seatpost

    Still after a nice 27.0 seatpost that weighs less than 250 grams, if anyone has a nice one...
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    Which wheels or rims would you recommend for a Tourer?

    It's been a very long time coming, but I have finally got my order in with Spa Cycles - Dave the wheelbuilder there was very helpful. At this rate of progress, I might have actually built the wheels by Christmas 2016...
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    Numpty question about Campagnolo shifters

    I should also say, far too far into this project, I realised that for a tourer, I'd probably have been better off getting Shimano stuff rather than Campagnolo. But as well as the rear derailleur, I've put a lot of time, effort and money into finding these levers, plus a Campagnolo triple...
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    Numpty question about Campagnolo shifters

    Thank you! This raises further questions... Graeme at the Campagnolo Service Centre says mine are the earlier type which *can* be converted to 10 speed, but it's two hours of a skilled machinists time so the labour for alone is £85.00, before they have supplied parts. carriage, re-assembly...
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    Numpty question about Campagnolo shifters

    Hello - this is my first foray away from proper downtube-mounted gear levers so please forgive my ignorance... I bought a secondhand pair of Campag Record brake lever/shifters on the ebay which are for a triple on the front and a 9-speed on the back. I've since found a 10-speed long cage...
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    Which wheels or rims would you recommend for a Tourer?

    Re: Thanks guys... I've decided to go with the Exal ones. I think at this stage the tourer is more likely to be used on one-day runs with the odd coast to coast or long-distance jaunt thrown in. For now, anyway... It's Christmas time so I'm asking my relatives for the last bits and pieces to...
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    Campag triple front mech, English headset & 27.0 seatpost

    Wanted - 27.0 seatpost I'm now sorted for a front mech and headset, but if anyone has a 27.0 seatpost that weighs less than 250 grams, I'd be interested. I've bought a cheap alloy one as a stopgap for now...
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    Sturmey Archer gears on a 1978 Triumph Trafficmaster

    Thank you, as ever! Now you've mentioned it, I'm fairly sure the squeak does come from those pedals. Trying to squirt a bit of oil in there seems to have helped it a bit. And some Plus Gas sprayed into the hub gear, plus finding this very useful article from Workington Cycles, means that...
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    Sturmey Archer gears on a 1978 Triumph Trafficmaster

    I've come upon a rather lovely 1978 Triumph Traffic Master - at least, i'm guessing that's its age because it says '78 8' on the Sturmey Archer hub at the back. Although it looks like it could have come from any era from the early 60s onwards - it's a classic British working man's bike. I've...
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    Which wheels or rims would you recommend for a Tourer?

    Re: In fact Nidderdale cycles seem to be doing some pretty good deals on Exal rims generally... just not the LX-17s that were recommended in the first place. Looking at Spa Cycles' website, the Exal LX-17s only weigh 575g while the Rigida Sputniks are 690g. Is 230g worth worrying about?
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    Which wheels or rims would you recommend for a Tourer?

    Re: Blimey, this is all so complex. Thanks for all the help. So basically I've at least settled on using the Shimano 600 hubs... Actually I'm nearly there - all I need to do is decide what cassette to put on them, and whether I need to go back to the drawing board when it comes to my rear...
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    Raleigh 531c Competition - Make it or break it?

    This sounds like quite an important lesson for me. I have assumed Sakae Ringyo parts aren't going to be as good as other more heralded makes, because mainly I know them from being attached to lower-end Raleigh bikes. And the better Raleigh road bikes from the 80s seem to graduate away from SR...
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    What freewheel with 80s Campag Record hubs?

    If it's any help to you, I have a Regina Gran Sport Corse 5-speed freewheel that was on a set of Campag Record hubs which my LBS removed for me in 10 seconds no bother, which I'm about to put on eBay. Although maybe they were on a slightly older style of Record hubs? Did they change at some...