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  1. gibbleking

    Show us what you did today, thread

    Re: I went from being a builder,electriciant to a 6 stretch as a primary job in the world that are fabulous to work with ...
  2. gibbleking

    Show us what you did today, thread

    i always wanted bonnet mounted twin 50 cals on me volvo v70...would have looked greeat.....had a great laugh watching them get cuffed and searched..made my day that did..
  3. gibbleking

    Show us what you did today, thread

    Re: i got caught up in a high speed police chase after an armed robbery in stahlam market.i was driving down a narrow country lane and the landrover went past me at about 70 mph missing my driverside by an inch or two followed very quickly by all the cop cars(who gave me loads of space(much...
  4. gibbleking

    What's the rarest part you own?

    Im running a fairly rare mavic starfish triple in near factory condition bolted to a campy record or bb chained to a nice mavic off road rear mech ...a fairly rare combo .....oh and my bike has 3 wheels...beat that un......mawahahahahahah
  5. gibbleking

    The BBC.

    Re: if i was so inclined i would suggest some site possibly called eztv using a proxy site,then id suggest typing in the particular program name and seeing the result.also if i was in that frame of mind id suggest some sort of peer to peer program called...oooh something like vuze to transfer...
  6. gibbleking

    1980's Peugeot Crazy Horse Norwich

    Re: Re: hmmmm 20 miles away ....hmmmmm.... 8)
  7. gibbleking

    10 years a Retrobike

    Re: wouldnt mind one of these either...i have the newer short cage version but i always prefered this un...
  8. gibbleking

    10 years a Retrobike

    Re: Re:
  9. gibbleking

    10 years a Retrobike

    Re: well done good sir... :D who knew that the worlds greatest modern invention would cost us so much money........heres to another ten years of trying to find that dammned elusive mavic front mech ive been after for what seems forever now... edit just noticed i beat you by 7...
  10. gibbleking

    1992 Rocky Mountain titanium (Finished Pics page 3)

    Re: stove that momma a nice post box oh boy thats gunna be pretty...can i have it..oh go on ...puhleeeeese.....
  11. gibbleking

    Insects Where have they all gone.

    burgh castle has all the gnats in norfolk judging by what flys around my house in the evenings..
  12. gibbleking

    Charge Duster - *SALE PENDING*

    Re: Charge Duster what are the hubs and wheels?
  13. gibbleking

    Sold Hope Big Un 48h / Sun BFR 24" Wheel *SOLD*

    Re: cant see the image....sniffle :(
  14. gibbleking

    You know you're getting old when..............

    i go to bed early as i fitted a 170 inch electric screen and a hd projector connected to my ps4 and pc ,nms and destiny is a blast at that size,beverly crusher looks great close......
  15. gibbleking

    not sure what this is

    Pffft Raleigh maverick atb 5 hi tensile frame me thinks.mine was blue
  16. gibbleking

    What's this full-sus then?

    Re: its one of these with wheels........ :facepalm:
  17. gibbleking

    You've got £25k to buy a car

    Re: v70.we sre getting one of these when the lease for the kuga is up in 2 years.i will miss the high ride height though
  18. gibbleking

    You've got £25k to buy a car

    Re: id have one of these just for the fun value ,otherwise id have a nice v70 2.5 turbo xc model..
  19. gibbleking

    Lets all tell each other how nice we/you/they things are?

    Re: doing 15 miles on my tadpole in the lovely sunshine being serenaded by the tinkle of chain running on my nice shiny mavic triple ringged starfish chainset feeding my mavic rear and making music whilst the wind blew a gentle breeze in my hair.. :D
  20. gibbleking

    Rocked up today from the US of Americaland.

    Re: didnt know bonty made toasters. :D