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  1. Crayons

    sithlord feedback

    Sithlord is the best! Once again Retrobikes finest has come through. I needed some Gripshift Xrays for my winter build project and Si delivered – oh yes :D These things are near-as-damn-it new and I'm a very happy bunny, but in some respects this misses the point entirely. :wink...
  2. Crayons

    Kona Cindercone frame 35 quid bin

    I'd be concerned by the reference to a small cut in the metal. Like a hacksaw cut perhaps???
  3. Crayons

    My Gt Lightning: old and modern

    That's tasty, what forks are those??
  4. Crayons

    Help me identify this Rocky Mountain steel

    I'd say it's a Fusion or possibly even a Hammer – the third set of bottle bosses, are they on the under side of the down tube, near the top (fork end) and slightly more spaced out than the others??? Probably a crud-catcher mount. Cable routing looks spot-on for a Fusion or a late '90s Hammer...
  5. Crayons

    Early Alpine Stars Al Mega

    looks like it could be a good one A bit too loud for me, but I'm sure it'll float someones boat :D ... 3ca73197bb
  6. Crayons

    Why do you 'do' Retrobikes?

    It's a desperate attempt to hang onto my youth, by reliving my younger years :D …And as I couldn't afford the cool stuff so much when I was younger I'm taking the opportunity to buy it all now. Plus, modern bikes are like modern cars – they all work perfectly, they all feel great, they're...
  7. Crayons


    The one thing I wish they'd introduce is new cleats for the Onza pedals. I was lucky and got a NOS set off someone on here years back, but I'm reluctant to use them in case I wear them out and can't get hold of a new set. I bet there are loads of people out there who have pedals with shot...
  8. Crayons

    Do I have the fastest GT Tequesta......

    I'm all too familiar with Porlock Hill – scares the Cr4p out of me driving down it in a car let alone on a bike so all I can say is :shock: Here's a challenge though, try riding back up it :lol:
  9. Crayons

    The Sith is back

    Hey Si Fantastic to see your name at the top of a post on here again mate. Welcome back. I trust everything is going well :D :D
  10. Crayons

    F1 Barrichello news

    I hope this isn't the slippery slope to obscurity for Barry – it's a shame he didn't keep his drive at Brawn. He's a solid driver and great at developing a car. Hope Williams can build him a worthy car. Nico Hulkenberg is an interesting signing too.
  11. Crayons

    Spin MTB Wheels - $400 BIN

    Hmm… I was looking at the bottom of the front-most wheel in the pic, just left of bottom looks like there's a bit of a dent to me. Not NOS
  12. Crayons

    Removing crown race

    Well, if you want to get technical about it :D
  13. Crayons

    Removing crown race

    I've always favored the use of a slight-adjustment device – they come in variable shapes and sizes, but essentially all work the same way. For all those posting other options all I can say is it's just S.A.D. :lol: I'll get my coat :oops:
  14. Crayons

    Dyna Tech MT-4 Frame

    hope it's not the same frame as the one that sold on ebay a week ago (for around £50 if I recall) Seem to remember that being an MT4 minus the forks but with a BB in it Coincidence????
  15. Crayons

    GT groove tube

    first appeared in '92 with the stitch from Tange to True Temper tubing (maybe Tange couldn't offer it?) It appears to be there for two primary reasons 1 you can run all the cables through it for rear brake and gears so they don't stick out of the frame a bit like habing internally routed...
  16. Crayons

    Any motorcyclists on here?

    It's interesting to hear other riders views on taking pillion. Before gettig my own bike I'd only ever ridden pillion on my best mates various bikes – his GSXR scared the sh*t out of me so much (my hands were starting to loose grip under acceleration at 120 on the motorway :shock: ) I refused to...
  17. Crayons

    What flavour Linux for my Laptop?

    Ubuntu :wink: Best distro I've come across thus far
  18. Crayons

    Any motorcyclists on here?

    I was in your shoes around this time last year I'd had the bug for years (just kept telling myself not to do it). I'd been involved with MotoGP for a number of years, but it was a recent adventure biking project that finally pushed me over the edge. Did my CBT in Nov last year and told...
  19. Crayons

    Button & Brawn – F1 World Champions

    A long time coming, but finally the Brit grit and determination pay off. Hats off to Ross and the team for pulling a phoenix from the ashes of Honda (and BAR) Congratulations to Jenson – you've waited a long time for this, nice one! :D
  20. Crayons

    Jennifer Love Hewitt

    Keeping with the tennis theme: New balls please… :wink: