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  1. humanoid1989

    My Retrobike Art Portfolio (Mint Sauce Content)

    A minty quick sketch with a biro pen to pass some time (remember spare time???) from 96.
  2. humanoid1989

    My Retrobike Art Portfolio (Mint Sauce Content)

    More from the calendar project: An early 90's full susser called a 'Szasbo'- acrylic paint on paper.. Can't quite remember if it was a Salsa? Please enlighten me :wink: Anyone remember Christian Tailefer, world speed record holder of the early 90's? Acrylic ink on paper. Also...
  3. humanoid1989

    My Retrobike Art Portfolio (Mint Sauce Content)

    I posted it up on Singletrack aswell- im Rossi46 on there :wink:
  4. humanoid1989

    My Retrobike Art Portfolio (Mint Sauce Content)

    Why have all my other pics disappeared from above??? :cry:
  5. humanoid1989

    My Retrobike Art Portfolio (Mint Sauce Content)

    Anyone remember Missy Giove? Part of a calendar project from my A Level art coursework. 1994? Something like that....
  6. humanoid1989

    Cateye Cordless 3 Sensor and Bar Mount

    For one of these: I lost my sensor, magnet and handlebar mount. Does anyone have these items sat in their spares box? I'd like to buy them- please contact me
  7. humanoid1989

    My Retrobike Art Portfolio (Mint Sauce Content)

    Here's a Mountain Cycle San Andreas in oil paint that i did back in 1994....
  8. humanoid1989

    1992 Cinder Cone- Joe Murray Steelie

    Well i had a couple of granny ring climbs to contend with in the week and the front mech just wouldn't shift it into granny- i had to get off and manually chuck the chain onto the ring :roll: So out with the old and in with the new Hone chainset and bottom bracket. Not ideal in terms...
  9. humanoid1989

    My Retrobike Art Portfolio (Mint Sauce Content)

    Finally iv'e had the time to photograph all my artwork that iv'e now brought home from my parents loft. First offering for you Retrobikers is this Mint inspired acrylic painting of a Trek 9500 from ooooh 1993. Yes that is a Tour De France king of the mountains jersey :wink:
  10. humanoid1989

    Kona Hei Hei 1993

    I feel your pain :lol: although i feel my punishment would be far more draconian!
  11. humanoid1989

    Kona's page

    Love my 1992 Cinder Cone. These pics were taken when the sun was out (remember that funny bright orange thing in the sky?) It's been a game changer for me, it's made me consider selling my Intense Spider so i can get a Hei Hei :shock: I always regretted selling my 96 Cinder Cone to...
  12. humanoid1989

    Kona Hei Hei 1993

    Well excuse me while i just dribble.............. I want one. I'm going to have to sell lots of stuff to get one. My wife will go ape shit. But i want one.................
  13. humanoid1989

    Kona Cindercone .......... Pastel Blue

    Very nice 8) How about more orange bits to really bring it out- hubs/ bolts wouldn't be too over the top :wink: (actually no-one does anodised orange, gold would look good though. Or red) Oh, and Maxxis tyres have orange rings round em. Good tyres too :D
  14. humanoid1989

    My Retrobike Art Portfolio (Mint Sauce Content)

    Thanks! Loads more to come soon- keep watching this space..... :wink:
  15. humanoid1989

    My Retrobike Art Portfolio (Mint Sauce Content)

    Im up for that! Mint needs his own space on Retrobike :wink:
  16. humanoid1989

    My Retrobike Art Portfolio (Mint Sauce Content)

    Here's some of my artwork that i dug out of my parents shed recently- it's been there since i was at school/ college in the mid 90's. First is a Minty i did in 1993 in graphics pen for GCSE.... Second is another Minty in acrylic again in 1993... Note the Barkleys cash point...
  17. humanoid1989

    1992 Cinder Cone- Joe Murray Steelie

    First ride in the sun!! Happy days 8) Also did some one handed riding to get some 'onbike' viewpoints.... It's really quite difficult riding one handed and trying to hold an SLR shutter finger ready with the other hand :D
  18. humanoid1989

    1992 Cinder Cone- Joe Murray Steelie

    Union Jack saddle is a Planet X one- they do Scottish and Welsh flags too i think. It's comfier than it looks! Unfortunately for me the rails are a bit short and i cant push the seat back as much as i'd like- so far the favourite is the Bikehut seat. It's pretty comfy too!
  19. humanoid1989

    1992 Cinder Cone- Joe Murray Steelie

    Well the seatpost finally arrived and all the bits are bolted on- she's ready to ride! Oh look the suns out 8) now iv'e just got to get rid of the kids (they're only 2 and 4 so they have no social life yet!) for a couple of hours and i can go find some scenery :D Maybe you, my...
  20. humanoid1989

    1992 Cinder Cone- Joe Murray Steelie

    Oooooooh look, new stuff..... :D