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  • Users: yakboy
  • Before: May 21, 2023
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  1. yakboy

    1994 original San Andreas - Prostop & Suspenders

    I would say definitely in the £1500 to £2000 mark for something with that originality.
  2. yakboy

    Kudos to Senior Riders

    This was about 8 years ago when my 71 year old Dad( a road biker at heart) tried mountain biking for the first time. He will be 80 this August and is still riding.
  3. yakboy

    Do you ever wonder what happened to...

    I've never sold any of my projects (much to the consternation of my wife!) I will need to educate my kids on what each of my bikes is and their worth as they will be the one's disposing of them when I go off to the great bicycle shop in the sky ;)
  4. yakboy

    Retro MTB films VHS!

    Sorry I've sold a few but kept the one's I want
  5. yakboy

    Austrian Litespeed Find

    Combined trip to the tip( oh the excitement 😅) and Gil to pick up the decals...looking a bit more like it now Just starting to cable up and pondering whether I should use the stem cable guide ( it wasn't used before) and how long the cable outer needs to be ( below shown for illustration so...
  6. yakboy

    Retro MTB films VHS!

    They all went to me I'm afraid
  7. yakboy

    93 Manitou FS.....In need of love

  8. yakboy

    93 Manitou FS.....In need of love

    Hopefully a couple of bikes in the pipe line (negotiations pending) interesting but a retro a retro-mod that is really going to divide opinions ( but you'll have to PM me about that one as will definitely be under wraps until nearly finished)
  9. yakboy

    Kirk Revolution 200

    No but hopefully my deft touch means someone's tooth comes flying out in the process🦷🥊
  10. yakboy

    Kirk Revolution 200

  11. yakboy

    Kirk Revolution 200

    Thanks for the warning. Once I get the new tool I will give it a go but I will always have an eye on not putting too much force into it. With my profession I like to think I have a feel for manual forces as too much and my patient ends up with a broken jaw😱
  12. yakboy

    93 Manitou FS.....In need of love

    Lovely to hear from you Captn Spud...As you know I am a bit of a "Bike Tart" so MAAS is my cream of choice😍 And...what Frames...what wheels? Nothing to see (well as far as the other half is concerned) should see what's in the pipeline...I'm really setting myself up for a backlash😉
  13. yakboy

    Did s-bike ever make a titanium version?

    Yep, been lusting after one for many a year
  14. yakboy

    Did s-bike ever make a titanium version?

    I've been looking for a 909 for many years, very similar to the 1992 Scott prototype downhill bike
  15. yakboy

    Did s-bike ever make a titanium version?

    Guy Redshaw knows quite a bit about SBikes
  16. yakboy

    1992 San Andreas Mountain Cycle

    The Betsy's were a bit too late year wise for the frame...but one day will own a pair and find a suitable late 90's bike😎
  17. yakboy

    1992 San Andreas Mountain Cycle

    Just some standard household silicone would do the job. Just needs to be enough to stop the pads moving but not too much that you can't get them out when they need replacing
  18. yakboy

    Kirk Revolution 200

    Had a further go this evening without success so did a bit of googling and bought this You can clamp it on via the square taper and should give me better leverage. The frame is currently drive side down with WD40 soaking so I'll report back once I get the tool
  19. yakboy

    Kirk Revolution 200

    The non drive side came out with a little persuasion, looks like a sealed unit
  20. yakboy

    Kirk Revolution 200

    Will do if I ever get the damn BB out😅