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  1. J

    Weinmann centre pulls and flat bar levers

    Does anyone know if the old style Weinmann flat bar levers operated the weinman centre pulls? Converting a Ken Bird drop bar mixte to flat bar. Got everything except the levers and I'd like to stay period.
  2. J

    Anyone with a 731OS frame, help please.

    Update....thanks to Matt. I've got 27.2 going in and out. Seems it had been overtightened and knocked about whilst laying around. I'm now convinced that it is a 731OS Geoffrey Butler team bike. The dimensions are now spot on, and the serial number 007 and race number braze on suggests a short...
  3. J

    Anyone with a 731OS frame, help please.

    Cheers Matt. They only made the stuff for a few years, so doubt they buggered about with changes. The tube dimensions scream 731OS. Dave LeGrys said he had one himself from G Butler. Oh well, if I cant find a Columbus tube set that size, then it'll have to remain an anomaly.
  4. J

    Anyone with a 731OS frame, help please.

    I'm pretty sure the frame I'm about to start on is 731OS The ST and TT are coming up about 28.8 and the DT about 32, that's with paint. I've only got 27.2 posts and they don't fit. But that's what the internet is saying should fit. So can anyone confirm this for me please? Geofrey Butler team...
  5. J

    Dutch/Belgian frame experts help please

    So Van Herwerden have said no, but their man who's in the know! suggested Hartman. But I'm leaning more towards Hercka. The fact that it's ended up in Clemenso decals, the heart that Clemenso use and the bb I've seen on another Hercka.
  6. J

    Dutch/Belgian frame experts help please

    The lugs are Bocama. Still need to identify the tubeset. 27mm post Seat and down tube are approx 29.2 Top tube is approx 25.8
  7. J

    Dutch/Belgian frame experts help please

    My latest frame is badged up as a Clemenso, but with a Belgian shop headbadge rather than Clemenso head badge. However it has H and H in a heart engravings. Clemenso have C and heart engravings. A likely candidate is a Van Herwerden from Holland, they have all variations of H engravings. And...
  8. J

    Harry Hall or Geoffrey Butler. One has to go.

    I'll try my laptop later.
  9. J

    Harry Hall or Geoffrey Butler. One has to go.

    Indeed. I'm thinking of stepping it down to take some nice 7 speed stuff I have, dt shifters etc. Because it's 731 it's 92 to 94, just can't afford period STI stuff.
  10. J

    Harry Hall or Geoffrey Butler. One has to go.

    I'm building a day to day bike. I want it to be nice. Anyway I got two projects at the same time. A 541st Harry Hall complete bike but 1/2" too big. And a Geoffrey Butler ex team 731os frame only. Which is an inch too small. Budget is for a re paint and tyres that's it. I'm leaning towards the...
  11. J

    Anyone recognise this frame feature?

    Oh don't say that.....
  12. J

    Anyone recognise this frame feature?

    An Ebay purchase not yet received. I was sure I'd seen this before, but I can't find anything now. Seems to be Reynold, simply as there are 'flying' R's on the forks Anyone?
  13. J

    harry hall frame numbers id

    Bump! I've just purchased frame number 711 Any idea?
  14. J

    Help please, I've not done one this old!

    I posted the other day about a scrapped 1938 Holdsworth I was allowed to have. I've totally stripped it now, and would like to keep as much as possible. I'm posting images so you can see the extent of the problems. Also I'd love to get it repainted. Where it has been painted the metal is fine...
  15. J

    Holdsworth Roi De Velo....?

    Found the matching numbers 4169, so it's a 1938 model. It has 144 on the BB shell as well as on the fork. The headbadge is later, and there are closer drillings underneath. So likely a factory refurbed 1938, done some time in the 50's. The rake is approx 2" so almost certainly a Roi De Velo
  16. J

    Holdsworth Roi De Velo....?

    I have a scrapped frame, just collected yesterday evening. I'll attach some images. But a quick glance at models hasn't helped. This has track ends, Chater Lea style top eyes, two oilers on the bb shell, top tube pump pegs, very steep fork rake and a 53/55 style badge. But the only number on...
  17. J

    Columbus & Reynolds stays query

    Whilst in the process of trying to identify a frame I noticed this. Where seat and chainstays meet the rear drop outs. Reynolds tubes almost all have rounded ends. Whilst Columbus all seem to have scalloped ends. Is this an actual fact, or just coincidental with the images I've searched.
  18. J

    80s no name frames, that all the shops did?

    I had a few, a Birds of Colidale and Reg Barnett. They were nice frames, but they weren't Reynolds or Columbus, and the ends weren't stamped. So any idea where these were produced?