Recent content by maxhc

  1. maxhc

    Eight thousand up! Cinelli Ottomilainsu

    Lovely One mate, congrats !!!
  2. maxhc

    Fulfilling The Dream (1992 Scott Super Evolution)

    Yep ! 3 hand position on this, so it's an AT-3; I got confused with my AT-2 (mounted on a Boulder)
  3. maxhc

    100% Original (I think) 1996 Kona Kilauea

    Just lovely !!!
  4. maxhc

    Marin Team Titanium 1995 Presentation

    Really lovely and a true inspiration for my new project.
  5. maxhc

    Salsa a la Carte 1991

    Really lovely bike (s) !!
  6. maxhc

    Marin Team Titanium 95/96

    IMHO, If a frame has canti hanger, It should mount canti brakes. Same frame as mine; so nice.
  7. maxhc

    Another Yeti ARC in da hood

    Thanks !