Recent content by kingroon

  1. kingroon

    Sold MINT SAUCE Lost Summers and Half-Forgotten Afternoons Book

    Crikey.. Really..? No one interested..? I’ll take an offer..
  2. kingroon

    Sold MINT SAUCE Lost Summers and Half-Forgotten Afternoons Book

    It was my Birthday recently and because my friends know me quite well, I was bought the MINT SAUCE Book.. Two of them..! :D So, this spare one is up for grabs.. No Stickers, and Not Signed, but As New.. £30 UK Posted.. Larger Photos...
  3. kingroon

    Wanted Chris King Lefty Front Hub, or PHB350 Conversion Kit..

    Hi all, After a CK Lefty Front Hub, either as part of a Wheel [more likely, if at all], Wheelset or as a Hub alone.. If someone has the PHB350 Conversion Kit sitting in a Parts Tray / Shelf / Cabinet, that'd be even better.. And if the Hub is Silver, Gold or Green, that'd be [actually]...
  4. kingroon

    Onza Ules

    Ules more expensive than Ulez..
  5. kingroon

    Umma Gumma Grippa
  6. kingroon

    1995 GT Psyclone

    Chap called Nicolai von Tsurikov on here gave me £250 for the frame back in 2008.. After that, who knows..
  7. kingroon

    1995 GT Psyclone

    Was the start of some of the best friendships, that Meet was..
  8. kingroon

    1995 GT Psyclone

    Hahaha..! Wow, now there's a Back Story.. 😁🤘🤘 Loved that Psyclone, got me into Retrobiking proper that did, and you can tell by the Mish Mash of Purple, XTR, SID and Crossmax..!! 😂🫣 Rode it on the first [?] Official Retrobike Meet on the Surrey Hills, 2007..
  9. kingroon

    Saracen Max Shock Team Forks..

    Okay, the time has come to get some Elastomers.. Do you have an Email address I can pass on to him..?
  10. kingroon

    Shoebox Photo..

    Was digging through some old Boxes in the Attic, and stumbled on this Photo of my old Cannondale SM1000.. I think it was taken around '93..? Porc IIs, Flexstem, DX Rear Mech.. It underwent some upgrades..!
  11. kingroon

    For Sale Ti wedge bar ends not onza

    Apologies @bikeworkshop , my mate who was interested in the Bar Ends has changed his mind.. GLWS..
  12. kingroon

    For Sale Ti wedge bar ends not onza

    The Wilds of Oxfordshire..
  13. kingroon

    For Sale Ti wedge bar ends not onza

    £60 Posted..?
  14. kingroon

    Rocky Mountain Edge

    Aha, right you are.. TT Decal is missing too..
  15. kingroon

    Rocky Mountain Edge

    Curiously, it's back up for sale; for Double..