Recent content by Jez Nemeth

  1. Jez Nemeth

    Bike Size

    C-T-C, C to Top... As above, echo that good advice -faced with an unknown frame, safer to measure the whole thing comparing against measurements in the target area that will suit you ;)
  2. Jez Nemeth

    New Project '59 Experto Crede

    Those two responses make good sense certainly both of you -thx Bars have me forward 60 deg or less, little more relaxed than road racing position, but not upright. So probably about spot for touring purposes and putting in the miles, been tweeking and tuning last couple of weeks on it. Ended up...
  3. Jez Nemeth

    New Project '59 Experto Crede

    Perfect trials for those saddles -the Brooks -looks like you're halfway down the West Coast of France + Normandy with the Ideale (what a stunning looking thing that is, sits well with those hammered French mudguards )...very jealous/inspired by those rides mr Fixie...Basically, it's the type of...
  4. Jez Nemeth

    New Project '59 Experto Crede

    Comfort over long distances isn't just about width, or bum shape, can be as perfectly shaped to yer tail pipe as you like - but ability to absorb road chatter and dreaded pot holes is right up there on my scale of 1-10 in rear end happiness. Flex or springs even? Brooks do a sprung range they...
  5. Jez Nemeth

    New Project '59 Experto Crede

    I'll push on with the B17 -secret ingredient to softening the thing is Olive oil on the underside, goes like flexible plastic for a time and quite 'bum friendly' while reshaping to yer individual contours, already starting to get comfy second ride in since reset! ;)
  6. Jez Nemeth

    New Project '59 Experto Crede

    What they don't say on the vid is 'relaxed' or 'clenched', I get two very different measurements ;) Q's?: Once you have the measurement, how do you relate to a saddle? For instance let's say for arguement's sake somebody's sit bones are 165mm -ish. That's pretty close to the edge/metal frame...
  7. Jez Nemeth

    New Project '59 Experto Crede

    Ok -CTC Centre to Centre measurement -Or could middle to centre doubled, Towel/cardboard... I see they measure in Metric, my butt is in Imperial -shouldn't make a difference though.
  8. Jez Nemeth

    New Project '59 Experto Crede

    Always noticed that most Brooks nose cones always start twisting with age, only seen a few that didn't - mine always twist to the right, the one I've just "reset" the twist was to the left. I know my right leg is shorter than the other by almost an 1/2" -two knee breaks, and full lower break...
  9. Jez Nemeth

    New Project '59 Experto Crede

    There's a few barely used Brooks B17's out there where folx have tried to get on with them and found they couldn't -I love 'em personally, not fully sure why. Piece of hide stretched across a slightly flexing Steel/Ti frame, and once over the breaking in period, rear end joy. Not for everybody...
  10. Jez Nemeth

    New Project '59 Experto Crede

    Needs a new one really -maybe next month...does feeel like wearing somebody's used sox...well, sox worn in a place that sox simply should not be worn. :oops:
  11. Jez Nemeth

    New Project '59 Experto Crede

    And 'N-old' to me B17 saddle, been broken in, reset with hot water, dried, re-tensioned, proof ride, and ready for rear end shaping.
  12. Jez Nemeth

    New Project '59 Experto Crede

    Arrived! 28T Somat magic about being able to get replacement parts for stuff that's made in the early 60's to keep it going and even upgrade/tune. ;)
  13. Jez Nemeth

    Going Straight

    Reason I ask -the 'Wyld' colour that still remains in places on that old Selbach was a truly superb colour -layers of coloured Lacquer (yellow tint) over a nickel plated frame -that was Reynolds tubing, pre 531. The Colour can be replicated with paint quite well, but the Nickel is a really good...
  14. Jez Nemeth

    Going Straight

    And everything else! Got an odd question while were here and talking about finishes/protecting the shiny stuff from oxidation -Nickel, Chrome, Brass, Copper, Gold, Silver -all the conductive plate able metals via electrolysis as finishes... Q's? anybody ever Galvanize steel frames...
  15. Jez Nemeth

    Going Straight

    Tis indeed thinking about it... 🤣 Do threads tend weave a whole lot of wacky stuff into an odd storyline before finally answering the original question?