Fantastic form of perceptual disorder - it was explained several times that there was understanding for the seller's behavior, but not for his numerous fake informations.
Hello together,
I'm also interested in informations about DNA.
I'm from Germany and own one DNA frame and one related Van Tuyl frame - both should have the same origin?
And the Van Tuly frame ...
@Griffster bought his frame directly from Giles at DNA - is DNA a british trademark or...
that,'s the problem of autotranslation! I've written in english:
I'm looking for an 1" MRC Mc Mahon rigid fork or suspension fork?
Kind regards
Guten Abend zusammen,
Ich suche eine MRC Mc Mahon Gabel mit 1" Schaftrohr (Länge weniger wichtig) ... egal, ob Starrgabe, Switchblade oder Federgabel?
Danke Frank