It happens and needs to, for reasons being either fiscal or passion motivated. Curiously the reason I stumbled upon your bike is that I sold a Dawes about 5 years ago that recently I started to very much regret but in the last few weeks I trawled all my messages of various platforms and found the person I sold that bike to I asked if they would sell it back to me, incredibly, they said they would and are going to drop it off tomorrow. It's an incredibly unique CX Dawes that I date to approx 1992 but simply cannot find the model of and am convinced is a 1 off.
It happens and needs to, for reasons being either fiscal or passion motivated. Curiously the reason I stumbled upon your bike is that I sold a Dawes about 5 years ago that recently I started to very much regret but in the last few weeks I trawled all my messages of various platforms and found the person I sold that bike to I asked if they would sell it back to me, incredibly, they said they would and are going to drop it off tomorrow. It's an incredibly unique CX Dawes that I date to approx 1992 but simply cannot find the model of and am convinced is a 1 off.