Best suggestions for music on the bike


Senior Retro Guru
I'll get straight to the point: I've discovered listening to retro happy hardcore lets me ride harder without feeling like I'm riding hard (oo err). So I need to out a sensible music arrangement on the bike. For you reprobates who also partake in musical doping, what kit do you use? I'm thinking about getting some conduction headphones paired with my phone or a smart watch, but I'd rather have a device I can put on the handlebars, to be able to pause, skip tracks easier. Any better ideas, or experiences to share?

Thanks me old china's!
I don't know the etiquette of bumping these older post and threads so please forgive me if I'm doing bad stuff.

I don't like the idea of music while I cycle but each to their own and all that. I do listen to music and audiobooks while I hike though and even though my phone is waterproof I like to use a Sandisk Clip Sport Plus MP3 player as it is waterproof, has bluetooth for my waterproof earbuds and physical buttons making it easier to skip tracks and such. Cheap enough off Amazon IMO... Will play Bonkers albums ( I have tested this). I'm not sure how you would secure one to a bike, maybe just cable ties but you can clip it to your clothing and such.

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I don't know the etiquette of bumping these older post and threads so please forgive me if I'm doing bad stuff.

I don't like the idea of music while I cycle but each to their own and all that. I do listen to music and audiobooks while I hike though and even though my phone is waterproof I like to use a Sandisk Clip Sport Plus MP3 player as it is waterproof, has bluetooth for my waterproof earbuds and physical buttons making it easier to skip tracks and such. Cheap enough off Amazon IMO... Will play Bonkers albums ( I have tested this). I'm not sure how you would secure one to a bike, maybe just cable ties but you can clip it to your clothing and such.

Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it! I'll deifnitely look into Sandisk Clip Sport Plus.
So many people seem to ride around with a smart speaker playing away on a carrier rack or in a bar bag. I saw numerous cyclists half way up Alpine Cols with some tunes pumping.
So many people seem to ride around with a smart speaker playing away on a carrier rack or in a bar bag. I saw numerous cyclists half way up Alpine Cols with some tunes pumping.
I think people should keep their media to themselves with earbuds, or safer yet, bone conduction headphones, which won't block out external sound. I don't like the idea of making everyone else listen to my music. I find it obnoxious to assume that others should be impinged upon for my enjoyment. Some are out there to enjoy the sounds of nature, to escape the modern life for a quiet minute
I'm using bone conduction headphones for my morning commute, linked to my phone (bbc sounds usually, 6 music).

Didn't want to invest in expensive ones before I knew whether I'd like them, so I'm just using some cheapo ones off Ebay, around £6 posted (!!) and they are absolutely fine for what I need at the moment.

They do allow me to hear traffic and I deem them 'safe', but my morning route is very quiet and partially cycle paths anyway. On my way home I take a busier route and it's rush-hour, so I don't have anything on, to allow 100% concentration when negotiating the madness.
while driving I listen to various music, for example Armin Van Burren or similar but also oldies such as Alphaville,A HA, Depeche Mode or Duran Duran, Pet Shop romantic.
I use special bluetooth headphones, suspended over the ears, with moderate volume
this is just an example...
back when i used to run my basic formula was taste x or roughly equal to bpm. which for the most part mean grimes or fucked up. these days who knows - cadence =/= foot-heel/toe strikes. i suggest hitting random and seeing what vibes
Using those ear will all be deaf by the time your thirty!

That's what my dad said when i was 18....he was right...permanent selective hearing since the age of 27....

What was that dear?.......