Old School Grand Master
We got to discussing how during the 70s-80s bike depression Peugeot sold millions of very basic race-style bikes, albeit with beautiful graphic design, and how Raleigh as a brand produced more and more low quality product in order to keep the factories open and the workers employed.
And then along came the mtb.
Easy gears
Casual riding position
Brakes that worked
Large soft tyres
The dream of riding anywhere
away from tarmac and traffic.
Brands you'd never heard of!
Peugeot and Raleigh offered some nice kit, but they also knocked out thousands of low quality items.
It amazes me that it was worthwhile building bikes like the Mustang
(Credit to @mattbrown ) and the Amazon in the UK, but I suspect the alternative was redundancies.
MTBs benefited from a brand with a US association, californian even.
Decades of history was a disadvantage - it implied you were stuck in the old ways.
Something your grandad might have owned!
European racing snobbery had probably set the scene for this.
But of course these new brands were moving production to the far East
They didn't have acres of factories or workers who did the job their dads and grandad had done before them.
Did this bring about the BSO? Or had the Europeans done it already?
And then along came the mtb.
Easy gears
Casual riding position
Brakes that worked
Large soft tyres
The dream of riding anywhere
away from tarmac and traffic.
Brands you'd never heard of!
Peugeot and Raleigh offered some nice kit, but they also knocked out thousands of low quality items.
It amazes me that it was worthwhile building bikes like the Mustang

MTBs benefited from a brand with a US association, californian even.
Decades of history was a disadvantage - it implied you were stuck in the old ways.
Something your grandad might have owned!
European racing snobbery had probably set the scene for this.
But of course these new brands were moving production to the far East
They didn't have acres of factories or workers who did the job their dads and grandad had done before them.
Did this bring about the BSO? Or had the Europeans done it already?
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