Rare Pace forks?


Klein Fan
I have the opportunity to buy the attached. I am a total newbie on everything PACE....maybe someone could confirm they are 1999 RC36 Evo Pro Class Limited?
I understand these are quite rare forks of 150 made? Carbon everywhere, reverse v brake etc
Certainly seems to be the case as found on Goatsurfer website. PXL_20240511_121002956.webp
I wouldn't keep as I don't have a V brake bike but I would happily pass on to a collector/enthusiast on here. Anything in particular to look for regarding the condition? What price would be fair?
I've bought a few Pace forks over the years but never ended up using them much or keeping them long so I'm not an expert but I do know that I've never seen any of these gold stanchions looking anything other than utterly humped. Whatever they were coating them with must have been crap!
nice fork but not rare or valuable to the point that you can get rich. also looks to be in worse condition than mine with stanctions quite silverish / worn, both sides. that means heavily used without sufficient maintenance, and means that its best used now as wallhanger, or to be used only lightly, or in need of new stanctions. hard to say without opening which makes it even more difficult a decision for a buyer to throw good money at. one would make more money by selling kleins.
nice fork but not rare or valuable to the point that you can get rich. also looks to be in worse condition than mine with stanctions quite silverish / worn, both sides. that means heavily used without sufficient maintenance, and means that its best used now as wallhanger, or to be used only lightly, or in need of new stanctions. hard to say without opening which makes it even more difficult a decision for a buyer to throw good money at. one would make more money by selling kleins.
Not really. The Ti-nitriding wore off very quickly on these forks, and unless the stanchions are corroded or the nitriding has actually been flaking which is exceedingly unlikely, they'll be absolutely fine to continue using. No danger, no performance issue (seals were the biggest source of friction on these forks, not the stanchion surface), and no need for new stanchions. If the seals have become worn and allowed moisture in then yes there's a risk the insides are corroded, but given how quickly these stanchions wore when new I wouldn't be any more concerned about internal corrosion on these than any other retro fork, and probably less than I would be on the equivalent Rock Shox!

The crown does look like the later spec one that they made up, and it's a cool/interesting piece, but probably not worth a huge amount. Looks in pretty good condition otherwise IMO.
I think people are a little confused about which is the rare fork. A pro class isn’t rare.

The rare ones have the radiator crown. This is the later style crown in the next gen fork. They made less than 150 of these.