Imlach's Sweaty Hippie Funk Collection, adventure bikes, rusty rats, cruisers and other alt bastardisations of bicyclery

Found some old scans on a drive whilst looking for something work related, but clearly got distracted! 🤣

Raleigh Chopper drawings from when I was a kid. Both Chopper Sprint (drop-bar variant!) and a more "standard" Chopper...
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Me jumping on a Chopper (oh-er!) circa 2000. Sadly this bike (along with others) got stolen during Lockdown. 😭
One of many letters from Alan Oakley (the Chopper designer!) to me whilst I was editor of the Chopper Club fanzine "The Hot One"...

Choppers Out! 😎
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"This bicycle, called the 'RELATIVITY Special', if pedalled at 90rpm, is designed to travel faster than the speed of light. This is proven by a description of the gear ratios on the sheets seen on the wall behind it. One revolution of the pedals sends the bike 6 times around the earth. (It is part of the art exhibition 'Circle of Time' that Pat Chirapravati curated now on display at California State University, Sacramento).

From Beer drinking, bicycle riding, Chicago photography club on Facebook.