Fausto Coppi bike, what model is this ?

While it's always nice to get the background on a mystery bike, I wouldn't get too hung up on whether it was high-end or less high-end.

There's a lot of satisfaction to be had in tinkering with and improving a run-down machine and saving it from an ignoble fate. And the absolute acid test is how it rides -- for you, not according to online reviews or whatever.

There are a million little factors that go into whether you gel with a bike or not, some difficult to quantify, so going with feel is a good overall measure. If it has that certain something that makes you want to ride it again and again, then all the other considerations don't matter.

Why not fix it up as best you can according to your ability and means, and see if you like it? Wishing you much bicycle joy ahead.
Aaaaah, yes, I see a lot of new replies, today ! Thank you, what a pleasure ! :D

@otherself : Based on what jonnyboy666 said, I tend to agree that it's not a K14, because of the replacable dropout, that definately makes my bike equipped with a taiwanese frame. I recognize this dropout on the box shown in his message, it's the same I have on my bike. And the frame, otherwise, is not exactly the same in terms of geometry, it seems.

@moonlite : I couldn't agree more with you. I can't see bikes as a medium of transportation. For me, it's pure pleasure and the vast majority of the memories I have when it comes to bikes are good memories. Mostly when riding them, but also when I manage to find a component I search, or when I manage to repair something that isn't functioning. As I say to my clients when they want to buy us a PC monitor for example, and I say them not to focus only on the specs, for the bicycles, it's also a little like that : you can have a dream machine on the paper, if you don't appreciate it when you ride, it's not a dream machine anymore. But I like to know what I have, and if I know what model exactly it is, I'll be able to know exactly the references of the components and easily be able to replace them if something goes wrong. And as my appartment was visited once by thieves, I prefer to know the value of what I have if something disappears. :)

When I'll be able to ride this "new" bike, it'll be epic, as would say Sam Pilgrim : I've never used a bike with this kind of handlebar. All my bikes, included the Speggo, have more or less horizontal handlebars.😨:D I won't go straight on the road, I can tell you, I'll do some circles in the park at first to tame the beast ! :D

I've changed the pedals. Aluminium ones, 156 grams each (43 grams less than the previous pedals), bought at Décathlon, model MTB 500. A name that leads to think that those are MTB pedals, but on their site, you can also find them with the road bikes equipment. I've done some more cleaning yesterday in the morning. It becomes really nice !

I have a question concerning the tyres. Probably the type of question that can rise passionate discussions : the tyres today are Michelin Dynamic Sport. 700Cx23. As you have seen on the pics, they are part red on the sides and they dont suit the rest of the bike. I'll probably change them quickly. I saw that the Continental GatorSkin were very resistant, but not very efficient. So, the next best thing would be the Grand Prix 5000 (the tubetype version), not so resistant, but not much less, and with far better efficiency. I'll probably choose this. But my question was about the thickness. Today, the Michelin are 23 mm (like the rims), I did some measurements, I have some room to use 25 mm ones. But like the MTBs, it's possible to have to different tyres on the front and on the rear. I wanted to know if it was a good idea to mix a 25 mm on the front with a 23 on the rear. It would in theory add some comfort and also could give more security. Would that be a good choice ?

Have a good day ! :)

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I assume these are the Italian ones? I have a Neuron Mega T and it's a great ride.


The k28 looks like OP's, but the seatstays on OP's is welded to the seat tube higher up, nearer to the seat pin clamp.

I don't think its a Galaxy model either as they had 'webbed' type junctions between the tubes.

Here is a k14 without replaceable dropout. Steel Fork here has a chromed crown, steel fork on OP's doesn't.

I confirm none of the frames on the pics are like mine, From all the pics I have seen since yesterday, the frame of the San Remo seems to be the closest.
Love the pic you used to show the K14. Some minutes ago, I as wandering on ebay to watch frames, and i saw this one, sold by velowizard.com. The pic is so beautiful I got lost on his list of objects to see what else he was selling. :D


Step by step, the bike is improving. I have received the hoods. I installed a new right one, it's so much better now, and at the same time, I changed the handlebar tape. Happy for my first try, no more nude metal and no red adhesive abomination. I have taken pics (we can also see the new pedals). Soon, new tyres and new chain ! :)


The pics :


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Thank you ! :)

I've just sent an e-mail to my LBS hoping to have informations about this bike (I tried to call them but they weren't able to answer, probably too much people in the shop). Curious to read what they'll answer me.

The k28 looks like OP's, but the seatstays on OP's is welded to the seat tube higher up, nearer to the seat pin clamp.

I don't think its a Galaxy model either as they had 'webbed' type junctions between the tubes.

Here is a k14 without replaceable dropout. Steel Fork here has a chromed crown, steel fork on OP's doesn't.

this an early version later version has a aluminum clamp to fix the seat post an other rear end.

My opinin ist that the frame set of @Wilou isn't a Fausto Coppy by Masciaghi - I have never seen such unprocessed welds from him.
Masciaghi always sanded them down properly before painting, that's my knowledge

Coppi K14 AL_mgtechnogym.webp
Just came across this thread and thought I would add i pic of my coppi. Trying to find more about these bikes.


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Just came across this thread and thought I would add i pic of my coppi. Trying to find more about these bikes.

Columbus Thron model named 'CAMPIONISSIMO'. Mid-late 90's/possibly early 2000's.

Bid on one recently, it was all chrome with green decals. Didn't win though. 🙃