Retro frame + new components.. yes or no?


Retro Guru
Is it against forum etiquette to post up a thread & pics of an old-ish MTB frame (1993) built up with entirely new components?

Don't want to upset anyone.

Asking for a friend.

I don't know tbh. Me personally, I'd like to see the build. Its great seeing mostly period correct builds on the forum, and the odd mix of old and new is fine. Wouldn't be so keen if the balance was the other way round though, so I can appreciate your question.

I'll be having the same question this coming year as I'll be fitting a modern drivetrain to a 1996 Kona. The longer I have the bike, the more I love it, but its definitely a bike to use. Love the frame and the feel of it. Some of the components are gassed and need changed to something, so it'll be modern parts for now, but its seen many variances over the years.
I don't know tbh. Me personally, I'd like to see the build. Its great seeing mostly period correct builds on the forum, and the odd mix of old and new is fine. Wouldn't be so keen if the balance was the other way round though, so I can appreciate your question.

I'll be having the same question this coming year as I'll be fitting a modern drivetrain to a 1996 Kona. The longer I have the bike, the more I love it, but its definitely a bike to use. Love the frame and the feel of it. Some of the components are gassed and need changed to something, so it'll be modern parts for now, but its seen many variances over the years.
I like period correct builds too, the great thing about forums is that if something isnt to my taste, i can just keep scrolling past to the next topic which might be. Sometimes I get ideas from something someone else has done, that i would never have thought of.
No, It is your bike at the end of the day. It is always nice to look at period correct bikes, but bikes were built to be ridden, so if it gets you riding and enjoying it then that's great.
Worst that happens is you get a bit of flack.

But then if you do a show condition, see creation, everything is as the catalogue says, you may get that too :-)
Like a slightly out of bend cable or your valve caps not screwed in the same orientation (if it has ridges) or the q/r is a few degrees out.

But take it as I assume (and hope) it is intend. With mates on a ride and off for a bit of cake and nowt better than some friendly banter.
Just a bit of fun and actually meant in a you did a great job way.

The people here are quite relaxed about this.

You may be lucky, some may be constructive feedback too 😂
Oh and it used to be called Retromod
Not sure if people still use that, but it is something to search on.
Alpinestars e-Stay were often targets, as are Kona frames.

Of course it was easier in 2010 as most bike parts were still the good old standards, but harder now as you have to wade through the piles of different standards of fixing and sizes all the different companies have come up with :-)
Hehe, "asking for a friend" - I like it!

If the parts have a whiff of quality about them, tastefully brought together, then yes, bring on the piccies.
I'm sure there have been many occurrences of retro frames adorned with retro/ exotic/ expensive parts that have just looked plain wrong/ ugly/ why did you do it?!

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